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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps

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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps

Post  Nineteen Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:46 am

These are some very thorough strategies I found from Unstable, a competitive raiding guild.
Below are the fights we'll encounter in the raid, and a guideline of what we'll need as far as raid roles go for each fight. If you have the time I'd suggest a quick look through so you get an idea what to expect come game time.


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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Duke Letareus

Post  Nineteen Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:46 am

Duke Letareus

Health: 1,804,564

Unleash Wrath: Channels this right before he uses Furious Pursuit. This is the signal to run away! Deals about 700-1k dmg a second.
Furious Pursuit: Must be slowed using the shambler slime during this ability. Seems to last 20-30 seconds. He must not hit the tank during this time, and everyone must maintain range.
Enrage: At 10% health he enrages. His movement speed and damage are increased.

Adds Spawned:
Slimy Shamblers:
4 Spawn, 1 in each corner. They, must be pulled out and killed during the kite phase to slow Duke Letareus. When one dies, they drop a slowing “goo” that last about 10 seconds. They have 17,744 health.

Devious Brownies:
6 spawn at the beginning of the fight, and after every Furious Pursuit. 3 spawn at the front and 3 in the rear. OT #1 will be picking them up in the middle of the raid, and the DPS will AoE them down. They have 35,488 health.

Ranged Flying Fairies:
They spawn throughout the encounter and randomly shoot raid members. They hit for about 1k, and have 5,145 health. Ranged DPS must manage these.

Caster Ground Borne Fairies:
OT #1 and a DPS can/will pick these up. 2 Spawn at about 60% into the fight. They have 70k health and must be dealt with quickly. They didn't seem to hit too hard, but could kill healers if they are not picked up quickly. These mobs MUST be interrupted. If not, they do about 70% of the raids health in damage, and can easily cause a wipe. We will assign 2 dps with interrupts to each faerie.

Damage to Tanks:
Seemed low. The Duke himself seems to hit for about 3-4k a swing. OT#1 will most likely take the most damage when tanking the 6 Devious Brownies.

Damage to Raid:
Also seemed low until later in the fight. There is assorted spike damage on single targets, and could get high if flying adds are not managed.

Duke Letareus begins and ends Furious Pursuit at these intervals:
85%:Begins Furious Pursuit
75%:Ends Furious Pursuit
60%:Begins Furious Pursuit
50%:Ends Furious Pursuit
35%:Begins Furious Pursuit
25%:Ends Furious Pursuit
10%:Begins Furious Pursuit
0%:LoL dies

The Pull:
The MT will charge in and tank Duck Leotard where he stands. OT#2 will pick up 2 shamblers and get them to shambler position #1. The rest of the raid will stack behind Duke Letareus at Position A, with the healers clumping on OT#1.

The Fight:
After the pull, 6 adds will spawn that will be picked up by OT#1. OT#1 will tank the adds in position 3 so they do not melee the healers. The raid will AoE the adds when threat has been established. OT#1 will call out for this. After the adds are down, DPS will continue on the Duke.

When Unleash Wrath begins to channel, melee will kill Shambler #1. He will then channel Furious Pursuit and chase the MT. At this point, the first shambler will need to be popped, with the other 3 popped in staggered 10-15 second increments. Melee DPS will focus on the shamblers, while ranged DPS will handle adds. Any free DPS time will be used to DPS the Duke.

OT #2, will pick up one to two turtles at a time, and bring them down to low health. If needed, one ranged DPS will DPS a shambler so that it is low enough to be killed as soon as Duke channels Furious Pursuit. They will be marked and killed in order, in their respectful positions.

During this time, the MT will be kiting Duke Retardicus from “goo” to “goo”, maintaining threat as best he can. It is extremely important that the tank never, EVER get within melee range of Duke Letarious, until his Furious Pursuit is up.

This is rinse and repeat until the Ground Borne Fairies spawn. At this point, two DPS warriors (or OT#1 and 1 DPS warrior) will each pick one up, and DPS will focus them down and interrupt any spells ASAP. DPS will kill the Faerie marked with #1 first.

At 25% the add spawns escalate, and become almost unmanageable. OT#1 will pick up the brownies, and the DPS warriors will focus all their attention on interrupting the Ground Borne Faeries. The rest of the raid will burn Letareus to 10%, then clear out the adds. Continue kiting him through slimy shamblers, and you are good to go.

As long as the shamblers are down in the right spots, and the tank doesn't get caught, this fight should be cake.


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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Infiltrator Johlen

Post  Nineteen Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:48 am

Infiltrator Johlen:

Boss Health:2,130,344

Landmine: Targets one raid member and spawns a void zone at their feet. They have about seconds to move out before it detonates and does 1.5kish damage and knockbacks.

Blinding Bomb: Starts being used after 75% health and is thrown at a random raid member. They blind in an AoE around them and if you are looking at them. If blinded, you will be “confused” for 3 seconds.

“Adds” Spawned:
Concussion Bomb: Has 5.7k health. Infiltrator will shadow stalk (teleport) to a random raid member and lay a red barrel at their feet. After 2 seconds the bomb becomes armed. If you step into the bubble, you will get knocked back, stunned and take 1200damage. The bombs can either be DPS'd down, or you can send a pet into their detonate the bomb.

Devastating Bomb: Infiltrator becomes immune to all attacks and spawns one every 25% health. The bomb has 270,531 health. Every single raid member must immediately begin DPSing the bomb. You have 25 seconds to kill it, before it kills your raid.

Swarming Wisp: There are 2 versions of these in the fight. One are the yellow orbs flying on the outskirts of the fight area (just past the pillars). These do 3.5k damage a hit and must be avoided at all costs.

The second type is spawned at 25% and flies through the raid. Quite a few spawn at once, possibly 20 and continue moving through the raid from 25%-Dead. They do 1700dmg a hit.

Bombs are used in increasing increments as Infiltrator gets lower in health. Here are the percentages:
1x Concussion Bomb
1x Landmine

2x Concussion Bombs
1x Landmine
1x Blinding Bomb

3x Concussion Bombs
1x Landmine
2x Blinding Bombs

3%Concussion Bombs
1x Landmine
2x Blinding Bombs

Tank Damage:
Tank damage is relatively low, just the normal 3.5k-4k hits from the boss.

Raid Damage:
This depends on the competence of your raid. If you use pets to destroy concussion bombs, dodge landmines and avoid Swarming wisps, there will be next to none. 1 Chloromancer and 1 Bard should be more then enough to cover all raid damage.

On the pull, the tank will position himself in the middle of the room, with the ranged spreading out. Anytime a landmine spawns, the members in the “voidzone” will move out as fsat as possible. If spawned in the middle, the tank will drag Johlen out, then back in after the landmine has detonated.

When a concussion bomb is spawned, all raid members in the area will move out of the area. One designated raid member with a pet will send his pet in to detonate the concussion bomb.

At 75% all raid members will use a macro to target the Devastating Bomb, pop all cooldowns, and DPS the bomb as hard as possible. You have 25 seconds to do 275,031 damage before the bomb detonates and wipes the raid.

After this first bomb phase, Johlen starts spawning extra bombs, and using Blinding bomb. Blinding bombs both blind if you are looking at them, and in an AoE around them. Concussion bombs are to be dealt with in the same manner.

The fight continues as per the first 25% health with the addition of the Blinding bombs. Now that these are in play, you must make sure that he throws one before you push him into dropping the next devastating bomb. If you do not wait, there is a good chance he will blind your raid during the burn phase.

After the last Devastating bomb, Swarming Wisps will start flying through the raid group en masse. These must be dodged as much as possible. Johlen spawns the same amount of bombs in this phase as the 50%-25% phase.

Suggested Raid Comp:
1 Tank
2 Healers (1 chloro, 1 tank healer)
1 Bard
16 DPS


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Join date : 2011-02-24

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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Oracle Aleria

Post  Nineteen Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:48 am

Oracle Aleria


Necrotic Energy: Puts a curse on one random member of the raid. That person becomes a “bomb” and must move out of LoS of the raid. If this person fails to move out, the raid will wipe. It has an 8second timer.
Spirit Volley: Does about 2500 damage to each person in the raid, once every 10-15 seconds.

Add Spawned:
Necrotic Werewolf: Spawns at the start of the fight. “Ranged Werewolf”.
Necrotic Miasma: Stacking damage aura that deals 400 damage a stack. Stacks 10 times.
Necrotic Binding: Debuff applied to the werewolf that gives 10% movement speed reduction whenever it is hit. Stacks 5times.

Primal Werewolf: Spawns at the start of the fight. “Melee Werewolf”.
Primal Thrash: Frontal cleave. Used sparsely.

Invigorating Pollen: Starts spawning at 2 corners, then once Aleria spawns, at all 4 corners.
Abilities:If these reach either the werewolves of Aleria, it gives them a stacking buff.

Tank Damage: Low on the “Melee tank”. Can be very high on the “Ranged Tank” if the werewolf is not kited.

Raid Damage: Fairly low. 1 Chloro and 1 Bard is more then enough to cover raid healing.

On the pull, Oracle Aleria becomes immune. Her two defenders transform into werewolves and must be picked up by the two tanks. The wolves must be killed at or near the same time to prevent them from enraging.

One werewolf is a “melee werewolf” and one is a “ranged werewolf”, meaning they must be DPS'd by either “melee” or “ranged”. The reason for this, is that the “ranged werewolf” has a stacking damage aura, that will gib melee.

There are two strategies to deal with the “ranged werewolf”. Either a rogue tank can pick him up and tank him in place, or a ranged tank/dps hybrid can kite him in a circle around Oracle Aleria.

Once the werewolves have spawned, the melee tank will pull his werewolf to the right and tnk him up aainst the wall, while the ranged tank will either pull his to the wall or begin kiting. All raid members will stack on melee, behind the “Melee Werewolf”. During this time, all DPS must kill Invigorating Pollen as they approach the werewolves

DPS will be split on the werewolves, with ranged on the Necrotic Werewolf and melee on the Primal Werewolf. It is very important that both werewolves be killed at or near the same time as eachother to prevent them from enraging.

During this time, Oracle Aleria will be casting Necrotic Energy and Spirit Volley. The raid will wipe if the person with Necrotic Energy does not run out of LoS. Necrotic Energy is emoted, and the person is marked with a curse.

Once both werewolves are dead, Aleria will transform into a werewolf and one tank will pick her up. She should be tanked in the middle of one of the walls, as to make it easier to kill Pollen before they reach her. Invigorating Pollen will now be spawning from all corners, and must be DPS'd down asap. She has no new abilities and is essentially a tank and spank.

Suggested Raid Comp:
2 Tanks
4 Healers
2 Support
12 DPS (even split of ranged and melee is important)


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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Prince Hylas

Post  Nineteen Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:50 am

Prince Hylas

Health: 1,596,960

Landmine: Randomly targets a raid member and leaves a red ring at their feet. Detonates for 1.5-2k damage and knocks back. Avoidable.
Spirit Fracture:Uses this ability before Oracle Aleria is spawned. Once she is spawned, he begins to use Soul Fracture. It is a single target DoT that is cleanseable.
Soul Fracture: Usually cast immediately after Contagious Cottontail. Deals 4k damage to the raid, then leaves a DoT that ticks for 1.5k damage. This ability is what makes the fight difficult!
Contagious Cottontail: Targets one member of the raid and polymorphs them. After a few seconds, it polys anyone in 15 meters of the original target.
Princes' Wrath: Channelled for 6-8seconds. Instantly kills anything inside of it at the end of the channel. Must move all of the pets and melee out of its range.
Verdant Strike:Ability used on the tank. Pretty much a normal attack. Can be dodged, parried, and blocked.

Adds Spawned:
Duke Letareus: Spawns 15 seconds after the pull. Enables Prince to use “Princes Wrath”.
Poison void zone: Stacking debuff on anyone who stands in it. Ticks for around 1.5k at max stacks.

Infiltrator Johlen: Spawns 45 seconds after the pull. Enables Prince to use “Landmine”.
Poison of some sort: Rift stalks to a random raid member and applies a poison to them.

Oracle Aleria: Spawns 1m15s after the pull. Enables Prince to use “Contagious Cottontail” and “Soul Fracture”.
Spiritual Wrath: Randomly hits 6 raid members for 1.4k damage.
Life Bolt: Spam cast on the tank.

Treants: Spawned during the channel. Pull people into them and have an AoE damage aura.

Wolves:Randomly charge people, and stun them. Charge does about 1k damage.

Raid Damage: Quite high once Oracle Aleria spawns. At that point Prince will start using Soul Fracture which does 4k burst damage to the raid, and leaves a DoT that ticks for 1.4k damage. The only other raid damage is Landmine which is completely avoidable.

Tank Damage: Fairly low. Can spike higher during soul fracture.

Strategy: Before the pull, groups get in position. Tank#1 can pull at this point.

On the pull all DPS can focus on prince for 15 seconds. When Prince starts summoning Duck Letareus, he will cast Princes Wrath. All melee/pets must move out.

Tank#2 will pick up Duke and kite him around the group. Melee should avoid standing in poison.

During this time, Tank#3 will pick up Infiltrator Johlen, and kite him in a counter clockwise circle around the groups. Once Duke is down, Tank#3 will move Johlen into Position A. DPS will nuke Johlen.

After Duke is down, Tank#2 will move to pick up Oracle Aleria. When Aleria spawns, the whole raid must be topped off, and healers must prepare for Soul Fracture. All DPS must peel off of Johlen and DPS Aleria ASAP. Aleria will be tanked as far away from Johlen as possible while still maintaining heal range.

When Aleria is spawned, have a warrior with Crippling Infestation and the Archon, rotating their damage reduction talents on Prince before every Soul Fracture. This will greatly reduce the raid damage.

When all Lieutenants have been killed, Prince Hylas will be focused down. At this point, the raid will need to move for landmines, and heal through Soul Fractures. Melee will need to run out whenever Prince does Princes Wrath.

When Prince reaches 10% health, he will polymorph the whole raid and teleport them back to the beginning. During this time he will be channelling a heal. Tank#3 will be marked and the whole raid must follow him. Everyone must remain grouped during this time. Tank#3 will run at the head of the pack, through the maze with the raid following his every step. The closer the raid is to the left-hand wall, the less of a chance they have of pulling wolves.

Once the raid re-enters Hylas room, everyone will assume their positions and the raid will focus all dps on Hylas. Tank#3 will be tanking the wolves in the rear of the raid. He will still be channelling his heal, and it will take about 70k damage done to him to break him out. During this time, he will also be spawning treants. The goal is to get 1 or none. If one does spawn, Tank #2 will pick it up and tank it at the back of the raid near Tank #3.

Once Hylas is out, all of his abilities from the first phase are used. You can reduce the amount of Soul Fractures cast by moving him around as much as possible. If he becomes out of range while casting soul fracture, there is a chance he will interrupt his own cast.

He also begins to gain a stacking buff that increases his movement speed and damage. He gains 1 stack every 10 seconds.At 9 stacks+ the damage will wipe the raid. This means you have 1 minute and 30 seconds to kill him. Good luck!

Raid Comp:
3 Tanks
2 Cleric Tank Healer
2 Chloromancers
2 Clerics specced 16 Justicar/39 Inquisitor/11 Cabalist

1 Bard
1 Archon


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Join date : 2011-02-24

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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Lord Greenscale

Post  Nineteen Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:51 am

Lord Greenscale

Health: 4,152,095


Noxious Fumes: Used every 20-30 seconds. Puts a 75% reduced healing received on anyone it hits at the end of the channel. Cast time is 2 seconds and it is channelled for 3 seconds and does 3-6k damage a tick.

Rending Cleave: Hits for 4.5-6k damage. Always used after Noxious Fumes.

Genesis Torrent: Used during the air phase. Hits all raid members for ~2k life damage each.

Life Reclamation: Used at the end of the air phase. Greenscale absorbs all leftover health on any of the adds still left alive.

Mortal Extermination: Actually cast by the Word of Death that is spawned at the end of the air phase. Deals massive damage to the raid unless the raid stacks in the light leftover by the Verdant Annihilator. Deals ~80 damage a tick when standing in the light.

Adds Spawned:

Strangle Plant:



Lashing Vines: Deals 2k damage to anyone nearby. Slows anyone who is damaged.

Noxious Bracken:



Noxious Spores: Deals 2k damage and drains ~10% energy/mana/power.

Toxic Blossom:



Unstable Spores: Detonates the blossom dealing ~1400 dmg to anyone nearby and knocking them back.

Verdant Annihilator:



Lifebound Rage: Casts buff on himself. Purgeable. Makes him do an extra 1.7k damage per attack.

Debilitating Strike:

Lifebound Scoundrel:



Shadow Assault: Teleports behind his target and deals 100 damage.

Cruel Backstab: Uses when behind his target. Deals 1400 damage.

Lifebound Warlord:



Furious Shockwave: Frontal cone knockback/cleave. Deals 2200 damage on tanks.

Lifebound Mender:



Spirit Bolt: Deals 1300 damage to the tank.

Word of Mending: Interruptable. Heals her target for 25k health.

Sentient Pollen:



Life Bolt: Cast very fast on their target. Deals 3-400 damage.

Pollen Burst: Deals 4-500 damage to their target (possibly an AoE on death, not sure).

Also splits into 3 more pollen every 6 seconds.

Raid Damage: Low during the ground phase. High spike damage during the air phase.

Tank Damage: Extremely high on the Greenscale Tank.


The Greenscale tank begins by picking him up and making sure he is faced away from the raid. Greenscale will summon Strangle Plants off the bat. The Plant tank will get the fire spawned in one of the 3 pools, and use it to burn the Strangle Plants. The Plant tank will do this throughout the whole fight. All DPS should be on Greenscale at this point.

At 75% health, Greenscale will fly into the air and head to either the north-east, north-west, or south corner. He will begin using Genesis Torrent at this time and spawn the adds. The add make-up is:

1x Verdant Annihilator

1x Lifebound Mender

1x Lifebound Scoundrel

2xLifebound Warlord's

The adds inherit Greenscales threat, so it is easiest to have the Greenscale tank pick them up. When they spawn, he will establish threat, and move them to the side of the raid. In the meantime, the Plant tank will grab the Verdant Annihilator and position him underneath Greenscale.

All DPS will focus on burning the 4 adds that the Greenscale tank has. Once they have died, everyone will begin to stack on the Verdant Annihilator, waiting until Greenscale kills him to completely stack up. It is important to wait so that a Toxic Blossom does not spawn and knock raid members out of the light.

When the Verdant Annihilator dies, he will spawn a beam of light that all raid members must stand in. This light makes you immune to Toxic Blossoms, and take reduced damage from the Word of Deaths' “Mortal Extermination” ability.

This is rinse and repeat with new plants spawning every 25%, culminating in the spawning of Sentient Pollen. Here is a breakdown of which plants spawn at corresponding percents:

100%- Strangle Plants

75%- Strangle Plants, Toxic Blossoms

50%- Strangle Plants, Toxic Blossoms, Noxious Bracken

25%- Strangle Plants, Toxic Blossoms, Noxious Bracken, Sentien Pollen


Noxious Bracken begin to spawn, ranged DPS must prioritize DPSing them down as soon as possible. They spawn frequently, so they must be managed or the raid will be overrun.


Sentient Pollen spawn, they usually target the Greenscale tank first. They will start unloading a high amount of damage on the tank, and must be dealt with quickly. All ranged DPS should be killing these along with help from the melee. If they happen to reach Greenscale, they will give him an increased damage buff (this buff seems to only be applied during the air phase). This is by far the most challenging phase of the fight.

Wisps are the ranged DPS' priority target. They must be killed. Bracken are secondary! Melee DPS should never stop DPS'ing Greenscale.

The Greenscale tank should position Greenscale facing away from the raid and pull him to the center of the room. At this point, it is an all out DPS race, with a seemingly insurmountable amount of adds spawning. With DPS properly managing the Sentient Pollens, everyone properly moving out of Bracken and Spores, he should go down.

Raid Comp:

2 Tanks

5-7 Healers (2 Chloros)

2-3 Support (1-2 Bards, 1 Archon)

8-11 DPS (Good mix of ranged and melee)

Recommended ranged DPS is Rangers. We run 4.


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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Re: Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps

Post  Kreme Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:25 am

bump. these notes are complete & look very helpful. vote to sticky so more people read these. Idea

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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Infiltrator note

Post  Warning Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:49 pm

I noticed when reading this that it says to assign 1 DPS class with a pet to send his pet in to detonate the concussion bomb. Does this seem like something that would be useful for us to do?


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Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps Empty Re: Greenscale's Blight - Fights and Suggested Comps

Post  Kreme Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:16 pm

Warning wrote:I noticed when reading this that it says to assign 1 DPS class with a pet to send his pet in to detonate the concussion bomb. Does this seem like something that would be useful for us to do?
it would probably be helpful. 2 sec after the bomb is dropped it becomes active. someone could keep an eye on these & hotkey their pet to walk into the bomb's bubble range to set it off so we don't keep blowing ourselves up.

one key part of the strat we need to get down is stacking as tightly as possible on top of one another in the final phase so we can move as a unit in the confined space.

we're not alone when it comes to having some trouble with this fight:

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